We welcome visitors and encourage those that are curious about who we are, what we do and what is barbershop a cappella harmony, to come and check us out. Our rehearsals begin with vocal and physical warm-ups, yes, physical. No, not push-ups or anything real strenuous, just enough to get our bodies, lungs and vocal chords working.

We have a rather large repertoire of songs we sing and are continually working to improve them as well as continuing to learn new songs.  We have all the music we sing in guest books for our visitors.

Our activities are numerous. We like to perform, compete, encourage quartet singing, have an active youth outreach program and have wonderful educational opportunities and experiences.

You may be asked to sing a portion of a familiar song, like “Row, Row, Row Your Boat,” to place your voice in the proper part. If you already know what part you sing, then an audition will not be required.